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Yields 4 servings at 140 calories for 2 muffins.

Pancake muffins are the best because they are so versatile! You can really add anything you love and create new flavors every time! I personally love the chocolate chip ones the most but sprinkles are never the wrong decision. These are a great breakfast meal prep and perfect for kids as well! Keep food fun!


  •  4 servings Pancake mix (make sure its a “just add water” kind!)

**I used 4 servings of pancake mix to get 4 servings of muffins, use however many servings you want!**

  • 2-3 Tsp Cake Batter Extract (I used 2 but I think it could have more!)

  • 2 Tbsp Rainbow Sprinkles


1. Mix all ingredients together plus the amount of water designated on your pancake box (mine was 1 1/3 cup mix with 1 cup water).

2. Bake at 350 for 13 minutes!

3. Keep in an air tight baggie or container in the fridge and reheat in your microwave before eating! Enjoy!


*points may vary on pancake mix*

ALL PLANS: 5SP for 2 muffins

Yields 4 servings at 140 calories for 2 muffins.

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