Steak night is a favorite for me and my boyfriend, Morgan! We usually do it once a week at LEAST and I basically crave it all the time! To try and keep things fun I decided to make my own chimichurri sauce, which is something I’ll always order if its on the menu! I have added the original recipe I followed as well as the way I will make it next time just based on what me and Morgan like! Let me know if you try it!
Here is the original recipe I followed in my video:
Here is how I will make it next time!
1 Bunch Fresh Cilantro
1 Bunch Fresh Parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp Minced Garlic
Pinch of salt
Add everything into the food processor (some stems are okay but cut off the bulk of them)
Blend until well combined
Taste for perfection and serve over steak or veggies!
Favorite steak of choice (we always go for Filet Mignon, its a thick cut and so tender!)
Magic Chef Paul Prudhommes Blackened Steak Magic Seasoning
Olive Oil or butter for searing
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Heat a skillet on the stove on medium-high heat
Season both sides of your steak generously with the Blackened Steak Magic seasoning
Add oil to hot pan and add your steak, letting it cook for 1 to 3 minutes on each side until golden then add to a baking sheet.
Put the steak in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes to allow it to cook more in the center. We like ours medium-rare so feel free to cook longer based on your desired done-ness!
Let rest before cutting into it and top with chimichurri sauce! (Or eat alone because its THAT good!)
Serve with roasted potatoes & green beans for the perfect date night dinner!